Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sick Baby

Poor baby came down with a fever yesterday. Just a virus but pitiful nonetheless. He's watching a ton of movies today and drinking Fresca.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Summer's Here

With our days already hitting the 90's, the pool is nice and warm. We have spent a couple hours each day this week. Today we had some friends over for a swim date. We started at 11 and didn't get out until almost 2. Max made it to my bedroom for "a rest" and within 7 minutes, he was out! I'm hoping to squeeze in a shower and the grocery list and that last load of laundry.

Max is swimming so good now. He refuses the life jacket and is already starting to try to dive to the bottom of the pool to pick up the dive sticks. I'm amazed by his abilities.

We started a reading program for him this week too - Any Baby Can Read. He has done well so far so we shall see how disciplined he and I can be.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Camping - Krause Springs, Spicewood, Texas

We got to go camping again this weekend. We stumbled upon a "secret" hot spot in Central Texas. It's a shame we haven't found this place before now. It is now one of our top favorite places to go camping. We headed out on Friday and by the time we got there and set up, it was hotter than hell! With our hair dripping in our faces and our bathing suits stuck to us, we headed down to the natural spring fed swimming pool. A whopping 68 degrees! Whew - took mine and Max's breath away but was indeed refreshing (and, Todd screamed like a girl too..)! Don't think about it, just jump! Saturday and Sunday were chilly so no swimming for us but was just the right temperature for fishing, a hike down to the natural spring below the pool and topped it off with a shower in their AWESOME!! bathrooms equipped with granite sinks and country music piped in. Didn't suck at all!!! I recommend this place for sure. http://www.krausesprings.net/about.html

Monday, May 3, 2010


We learned a valuable lesson last night - or at least I hope he did. While we were visiting some friends for supper, Max was trying to get from the hot tub to the pool a little too quickly and did a face flop on the cement. He bounced down and then rolled into the water. Swimming lessons paid off as he swam back to the wall.