Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Yesterday he was in rare form. He opened my umbrella, made himself a little bed on the living room floor, asked for a banana on a plate and a movie. He curled up under the umbrella and watched his movie. He said it was raining on him so he wanted some "shelter". He stayed still for almost an hour.

Cowboys Victory!!!!

First flag football game under his belt!!! He got to be the team capitan and flip the coin, even got the ball and took a few steps with it. Half time came and he cratered and was done with the whole process. We had some serious mouthpiece issues but got those resolved so we are hoping for a better game this next weekend. He is the youngest and the smallest but does fairly well considering his attention span. We only dug in the dirt a few times.

Green Thumb

Max saw on his yogurt packages that they could be recycled and something planted in them so he wanted to give it a try. We planted some lemon-lime basil and lavender. So far nothing is sprouting. I don't anticipate much growing but who knows. He had fun putting the dirt and seeds in.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rennaisance Festival

Yesterday sort of last minute, we decided to go out to Elgin and visit their Rennaisance Festival with Erin, Dale and Gavin. Perfect weather, perfect amount of time and the fair wasn't too big for the boys.

Max had a funnel cake, Sprite (his favorite), rode a medival rollercoaster, saw some jousting, pirate show, rode in a large swing, threw some tomatoes and watched a mud show. He also went through a maze and rode the spinning tea cups.

By the end of the day though, all of our feet were sweaty and dusty so when we got home we had to decake our toes and shoes! Great Day!

Flag Football

Max is signed up for Flag Football this spring. We had our first practice last Friday. He seemed nervous up until we actually go there and then as soon as we got him equipped with his flags, he picked up a ball and started running! He's the youngest and the smallest but was able to hold his own for about an hour. The practice was a little long for him but his coach ran some energy out of him. They worked on some hand-offs and running through for a touchdown, flag pulls and then took turns all being a running back, center, defense and quarterback. He is going to have a hard time when the other guys grab his flags because he stops running to watch them pull the flag. Very enertaining! Our first game is this Saturday. (Oh, our team name is the Cowboys....Todd is not amused!)

Fun with my cousins

Max had a nice Spring Break visiting with some of his cousins from Iowa. He went on a "safari" (or drive through an exotic animal farm), did some swimming, eating, running around like crazy and then crashing at night. It was great to see Aunt Lisa, Colbi, Coltyn and Tony and his girls Ashtyn and Cameryn.