Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Walk To Wendy's

This week they are studying the letter "W". Mrs. Fionda took all the kids on a Walk to Wendy's which is right across the street. The other room mom and I showed up early, had the tables all set up and their food laid out. Here are a couple of pictures of his friends - Ryder, Brady, Tili and Payton.

Easter Weekend

Max woke up late on Sunday and put on his Batman cape and grabbed his Easter basket and away we went searching for those eggs. He gets distracted very easily by what's inside each egg but after about 20 minutes, he found them all.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Party

Today was Max's Easter Party at school. The parents hid all the eggs in the schoolyard, the kids each hunted for 12 eggs and then we all got to eat a picnic lunch outside on the playground. Then we headed inside for an Easter craft and cupcake decorating. They kids had a great afternoon. Max is bouncing off the walls at the moment but it was a lot of fun this morning.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Petting Zoo

Last week Max's school was discussing farm animals. They brought in a real petting zoo for the kids. There were 2 pigs, 1 calf, 1 mini horse, 1 donkey, 3 goats and a zillion bunny rabbits. Max particularly liked the bunny rabbits and was not at all interested in getting the slobber on his hands from feeding the donkeys.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


We just got back from vacation! We took a cruise out of Galveston to Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. We weren't sure what to expect taking Max but he surprised us and did very well (mostly). We learned after the first 10 minutes in our room that it was going to be next to impossible to keep him from jumping on the beds and screaming. He wore himself out doing just that the first day that during the safety drill prior to leaving, his 44 pounds self fell asleep sprawled in my arms where I had to hold him for about an hour.

The kitchen catching fire in the main galley was the talk of the trip. We were without a hot supper for one night (nobody starved of course) but they had it up and running by the next afternoon. Max had ice cream almost every night and had a great time at Kid's Camp. We couldn't get him to leave most evenings.

Max loved Jamaica the most. He played in the sand and the water for several hours and just had a ball.

Here are a few pictures from our stops.