Thursday, October 29, 2009

Props to Crayola!

I was mother of the year and wasn't paying close enough attention to Max as he was playing with Aine's markers...he showed me his "wipstick". He was so proud and fortunately, I just happened to have the camera.

Pajama Party

This morning I hosted a pajama party at my Jazzercise class and we went for coffee. Max was the center of attention at Starbucks with the ladies. Not the most flattering picture as we were all done and sweaty. We are home relaxing for a bit and then out the door for a playdate. Busy day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day Out With Thomas The Train

A few weeks ago, Max and I and our friends Brenda and Victoria ventured to Burnet for the Thomas the Train Festival. It was a lot of fun although I was coming down with some upper respiratory bug.

Max was happy riding the train and loved yelling "Choo-Choo" at the top of his lungs but refused to cooperate for picture time so this is the best we got.

Swim Day!

Today was swim class. Over the last month, Max has not been following directions or being a good listener. Today however, with the threat of no doughnuts or his prized candy necklace and because I drove in the parking lot and then drove back out when he started screaming, he did great! We had an enjoyable swimming session and he floated on his back on his own for about 10 seconds. He's swimming about 10 feet under water, can come up and roll over for a breath and then go right back underwater.

He's upstairs trying to nap now - cross your fingers :) Naptime has been dwindling away.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Playdate

Last night I got monitored at Jazzercise and passed with a perfect score! This morning in class I was relaxed and just had fun teaching. It was a good morning :)

We invited a friend over for Max to play with this morning. Coltyn and Max had their own jam session while I danced for them. Max on vocals and Coltyn on the guitar. In between songs they built train tracks and ran up and down the stairs. Max will surely be tired for a nap soon. After the music session, we went outside and played football. He woke up talking about his friend Coltyn today.

We are gearing up for Halloween. Max is having a hard time with his costume. He doesn't like much on his head so we are 'trying it on' every few hours. He's getting better!!

I'm hoping to get on later today to add some pictures from our triathalons. Stay tuned...for now, I gotta go upstairs and build train tracks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blogging 101

Hello All -

It's October 26, 2009. Austin is rainy and chilly today. I just picked up Max from a weekend with Grandma and Papaw and decided to try my hand at blogging! My good friend Brenda, Victoria's Mom (otherwise known as "Misstoria" by Max) makes blogging look easy and fun. I'm hoping to get better at updating pictures and what's going on with our busy lives. So here I go.....