Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Playdate

Last night I got monitored at Jazzercise and passed with a perfect score! This morning in class I was relaxed and just had fun teaching. It was a good morning :)

We invited a friend over for Max to play with this morning. Coltyn and Max had their own jam session while I danced for them. Max on vocals and Coltyn on the guitar. In between songs they built train tracks and ran up and down the stairs. Max will surely be tired for a nap soon. After the music session, we went outside and played football. He woke up talking about his friend Coltyn today.

We are gearing up for Halloween. Max is having a hard time with his costume. He doesn't like much on his head so we are 'trying it on' every few hours. He's getting better!!

I'm hoping to get on later today to add some pictures from our triathalons. Stay tuned...for now, I gotta go upstairs and build train tracks!

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