Friday, January 29, 2010

My Little Organizer

Like mother like son...Max entertained himself in the doctor's office today with his prized possessions. Wonder where he gets his mad organizational skillz???

Thursday, January 28, 2010

And the Bendaroos have it!

We spent almost 2 hours this morning playing with Bendaroos. He sat very still with me while we made a cheeseburger, a spider, a snail, a piece of birthday cake and my attempt at a seahorse which looks more like Perry the platypus from Phineas and Ferb.

What to do on a rainy day???

Max and I are kinda stuck inside today. It's too rainy and yucky to go to the park and since I'm doing this allergy testing and can't go workout, we are entertaining ourselves at home today. First we opened up Elefun and ran around catching the butterflies that fly out (well, I caught them and Max just ran around). Then we opened up the Sesame Street Activity Center that Neal and Jana gave Max for Christmas. He got tired from jumping around so went upstairs for his "peelow" and blanket and curled up to watch Phineas and Ferb. I'm blogging now, about to clean the kitchen and the downstairs hall closet. What's up this afternoon??? Hmmmm...not sure. We may break out some Bendaroos or a cool dinasour science kit. Stay tuned...

Family Pirate Night

Tuesday night was Family Night at the clubhouse. It was pirate theme. Mistake we made was sitting right in the front "stage" area with about 50 kids running around. Max and Gavin got to do the limbo, we promptly ate and then promptly left. Too chaotic to enjoy all the festivities. Max did enjoy cutting in line and going back and forth under the limbo stick.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cone Head or Rocket Ship?? You decide...

Big Boy Swim Class

While we have mixed feelings about being in the new Big Boy Swim Class because his best little friend Victoria isn't in it with him anymore, he managed to rally this morning and did AWESOME!!! He left his flippers on the entire class, even wore goggles which I can't get him to put on to save my life. Plus, he was doing actual swim strokes - kickin' and pullin' - all the way across the pool!! If it was allowed, I think he would stay underwater the entire class. He did keep asking where Victoria was though so we will have to schedule a playdate with her soon!

And another big milestone - MAX IS ABOUT 99.9% POTTY TRAINED!!! He's doing a great job about telling us when he has to go and has even gone by himself a couple of times. Dry diapers in the morning and dry/clean clothes all the way around.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Underwear Fireman

Still in the midst of potty training, Max runs around in his "Lightming Queen" undies and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his fireman rain boots!

Victoria's Big Top Birthday

Max's little friend Victoria had her 3rd birthday party yesterday. Her mommy and daddy did a great job making it feel like a circus. With face painting (Max said no way), the balloon making (see Max's fishing pole), ball toss to the big top, all the kids had a great time. Max ended up playing in Victoria's room with her kitchen and dollhouse some of the time however.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Puzzle Time

Uncle Mark, Aunt Lori and Sydnee sent Max some super cool puzzles for his birthday (oh and yes, another little "Lightming Queen"). While putting the puzzle seemed like a good idea to Max, he quickly got distracted with various other items (Buzz and Woody) and left me to fend for myself. This puzzle is about the size of Max and it would seem that the bigger pieces would make it easier but it took me 45 minutes to put it together. I think we'll frame it now since it's done and just put it up in his room.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birthday Video

Todd did a wonderful job on putting together a video of Max's third birthday. I've added the link below under special links if you have 8 minutes to check it out. It's super cute!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Party

Max had a great birthday party surrounded by his entire family (mostly) and a few friends. He wanted a Cars birthday party and that's what he got. We had the Jigglebug Express come by for entertainment and it was perfect for the little one and big kids (I'll refrain from posting those pictures). He has loved playing with all of his new toys and daddy and mommy love that we have a ton of new books to read now!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Birthday Boy

What a rainy, yucky, cold day for Max's birthday. Hopefully it's brighter tomorrow for his birthday party. We spent the morning at MOPS (he was dressed for a flood) and then came home and while he napped, Sarah K. and I decorated his birthday cake.
Didn't go quite as planned but I improvised. I'm pretty proud of it. Thank you Sarah!

Happy Birthday Max!

What a way to start the day...I got to wake up with Max in his bed. He woke up at 3:00 a.m. this morning and was crying and screaming for "momma, momma, momma". I let it go for 30 minutes and finally gave up. I crawled in his bed (did I mention it's less than a twin size basically with a side rail!!) and accidentally fell back asleep. But, he was very sweet this morning and whispered "Momma, it's up time!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Making a birthday cake - Part 1

I started Max's birthday cakes today. It's going to be a 4 step process but the cakes are almost done. Max helped me out by cracking eggs, dumping and mixing. In the end, he just wanted the beater which ended up all over him and the counter and we lost an egg in the "dumping" process but he's super excited about his "Lightning McQueen" birthday cake. Those pictures to follow tomorrow.

Meltdown at HEB

Max didn't get what he wanted this morning at the store and I couldn't resist taking his picture. Yes, that arm behind his head was coming forward with a punch to knock the phone out of my hand. I won though.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Max has an owie on his pointer finger (despite what the picture looks like - no, he is not flipping anyone the bird). This was after we drained it a little and then poured alcohol on it..yes, alcohol. We are parents of the year - we don't seem to have any other type of medicine in the house! But, he didn't cry or anything. Just said "Phew..that's stinky!"

Learning the hard way

Max is very much a chewer. He still puts just about every little thing in his mouth. We used to give him three warnings when toys go in the mouth but now we just automatically take stuff away. I took away his prized Stanley the leggo train tonight. All toys that are confiscated go directly on the mantel below the tv. Tonight he just stood there holding out his arms screaming for it. One of these days, he'll least that's what we keep saying. For now, I'll capture his sweet little face and tantrums.

YIT - (Yuppie In Training)

Yep...he looks like a natural at the Starbucks thing, huh? He's drinking his "hot chocolate milk". I think we should be worried.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's a silly-puddy, grillin' indoor - vodka tonic kinda day!

Wow - it's super windy and super chilly today. We braved Costco, had lunch with an old high school friend and tackled a RV dealership. We are home where Max is playing happily (and quietly I might add) with his silly puddy (notice the concentration...) Mommy is way to cold to grill those pork chops outside so I broke out the Foreman Grill and a drink!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Play date..and nightie, night!

Max's friend Gloria came over today for a visit. They played really well together but decided it was time to go night-night. So, we plopped in Tinkerbell and they chilled for a bit.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Princess & The Frog

We had to get out of the house today for a bit. We took Max to see The Princess and the Frog. (He did better than daddy....) Daddy disappeared for a few minutes...hmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Friday, January 1, 2010


We just hung out at our house last night with my cousin and her family and a few other friends. Kept it very low key and everyone was at their own home in bed by 11:00. Todd and I managed to stay up just to ring in the new year and then I was out by 12:01! Max rocked it on Band Hero and then was lovin' up on Brenna. He is a true joy.

Todd and I started our assault today on our extra flab and are hopefully training towards another triathalon early spring. I started my morning with some of my fellow instructors and taught our ONE class at Jazzercise. I think we had close to 60 students today. I was pumped and once I get my energizing, funky playlist updated, I'm hitting the bike!