Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Boy Swim Class

While we have mixed feelings about being in the new Big Boy Swim Class because his best little friend Victoria isn't in it with him anymore, he managed to rally this morning and did AWESOME!!! He left his flippers on the entire class, even wore goggles which I can't get him to put on to save my life. Plus, he was doing actual swim strokes - kickin' and pullin' - all the way across the pool!! If it was allowed, I think he would stay underwater the entire class. He did keep asking where Victoria was though so we will have to schedule a playdate with her soon!

And another big milestone - MAX IS ABOUT 99.9% POTTY TRAINED!!! He's doing a great job about telling us when he has to go and has even gone by himself a couple of times. Dry diapers in the morning and dry/clean clothes all the way around.

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