Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Yes, yes, yes...Max is wearing a tutu (a/k/a Tinkerbell costume). We played at Victoria's house today and while he was hesitant about the tutu, he did put it on...okay, it took an Oreo bribe but now I have blackmail!

Duck Pond

Yesterday, Brenda invited Max and I to join her and Victoria at the duck pond to feed the ducks and have a picnic. The weather couldn't have been better. Our two munchkins played so well together and fed the ducks. They ate their sandwhiches like champs and ran around the cow statues and played ring-around-the-rosie. At one point, they even said they wanted to go night-night and laid down on the steps of the pond. We are going to meet them at the park in a few minutes for another gorgeous day!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Black Eyed Peas

I was fortunate enough to get to go to Dallas a few weeks ago to see the Black Eyed Peas in concert. Was a very entertaining concert indeed! The show was great and we had pretty awesome seats. Fergie came out and sang some of her own stuff too. Just a lot of fun to jump around and dance. I picked some stupid shoes to wear and by the time we got in the cab to go back to the hotel I was barefoot, but totallly worth it. Here are a few of the pictures we got. (well, I'm having technical difficulties with loading pictures...check back in a bit!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Egg Fun

Victoria and Brenda came over this morning to dye some Easter eggs and play. Victoria of course used the Cinderella stickers and Max went with Toy Story. Max was more interested in dipping his finger in each different tub of colored water and tasting it whereas Victoria would get it on her hands and then wipe it off. He toggled between Bugs Bunny cartoons, eggs and trying to re-dress Victoria's little Cinderella doll (well, he would take the clothes off and then I'd have to put them back on). They had a good time today. We miss not seeing them at swim class every week so it was fun having them over today.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Water Safety

This week begins water safety week at Max's swim class. Today they worked on life jackets and proper entry/exit from a boat and learned that it's not okay to jump in and try to "save" someone who is in trouble. They are supposed to throw something to the victim and then run and get a grown up and say "Help. Help. I need help." Max did it pefect the first time through. Then it was time for the mom's to come inside and watch. It was his turn and this is the event:

Ms. Ashleigh "Ok Max. Help me. I need help."

Max - no words, just jumps in, realized it was wrong and made a bee-line for the wall, got out and tried again. Manages to throw his lifejacket to her, gets up and runs to me and says "Okay. Can I have my toy now."

Mom: "What do you say first?"

Max: "Please may I have my toy now?"

He did have to do it all over again and on attempt number 3, he got it all right. Threw his lifejacket to Ms. Ashleigh and then ran to me and said the magic words: "Help. Help. I need help."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

We spent some of the morning yesterday playing with my MOPS group and their kiddos at the park. We ended with an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. Max only came away with 2eggs but his consolation prize was the big sugar cookie with blue frosting. He had a great time trying to climb in the trees and the rock wall.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sidewalk Art

Taking advantage of this gorgeous afternoon...my little artist drew himself, a snake and had me draw a "hot scotch". Fun day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cake and play time

Max and I went down yesterday to San Marcos to get mom ready for her surgery and just hang out. While Max played outside with his Papaw and rescue pack, I was inside decorating my cousin's birthday cake. Another set of grandma's came to pick Max up yesterday afternoon and keep him while we took mom to the hospital bright and early (actually, wasn't bright yet - but early!) My mom underwent her surgery this morning. She came out fine. They put in a plate and 3 screws to hold her foot/ankle/shin in place and she'll be laid up for a few months. Thanks for all the prayers!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ah...rescue pack, coming to the rescue!

Max has suddenly decided he needs a rescue pack like Diego's. So, instead of using his camping backpack, we got him a new one today. He has yet to take it off. He had it on even in the potty! He keeps standing up saying "Wook mommy. How do I wook?" He also was singing at the top of his lungs today in Target "Rescue pack. Ahhhhh comin' to the rescue!" and then would look at me and ask "Who can we rescue mama?" If you are wondering what's inside - well, it contains all of his Lighting McQueens and Mater's and even his "amuwance" car.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mom's Car

It's been a rough weekend for my mom. She fell at my grandpa's house in Rockport and broke her ankle in 3 places. She's laid up for a few weeks or months for sure. Add insult to injury, her car caught on fire and burned in their driveway. Fortunately no one was injured in the car fire and thankfully their house didn't catch fire.

Max & Gavin Exercise

Gavin and Max were goofing around last night at our house after dinner. We decided they needed some exercise so we told them to run around the living room and then drop and give us push-ups, run around again and then do jumping jacks. After several rounds of that, they decided they needed to meditate. Max can't quite make his legs criss-cross yet but he gave it a valiant effort - oh - and we are positive he doesn't know the meaning of inside voice yet. Added to the humor of last night, this morning I found they were taking pictures of each other. Had to share some of the best ones. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My selfish purchase...

I know this is totally selfish as it is Max's blog, but, after several months of nursing our Quisinart along, cleaning up coffee grounds and picking them out of our cups, waiting a good 30 to 45 damn minutes for a cup of coffee, I broke down today and bought myself a Keruig. I can't wait for the 6:30 a.m. hour to roll around tomorrow when I can brew my own pot. But, say goodbye first to the ghetto pot - notice the tape holding the filter in place. :)

Clowning Around with Papaw

Max was just messing around with Papaw...