Monday, March 22, 2010

Water Safety

This week begins water safety week at Max's swim class. Today they worked on life jackets and proper entry/exit from a boat and learned that it's not okay to jump in and try to "save" someone who is in trouble. They are supposed to throw something to the victim and then run and get a grown up and say "Help. Help. I need help." Max did it pefect the first time through. Then it was time for the mom's to come inside and watch. It was his turn and this is the event:

Ms. Ashleigh "Ok Max. Help me. I need help."

Max - no words, just jumps in, realized it was wrong and made a bee-line for the wall, got out and tried again. Manages to throw his lifejacket to her, gets up and runs to me and says "Okay. Can I have my toy now."

Mom: "What do you say first?"

Max: "Please may I have my toy now?"

He did have to do it all over again and on attempt number 3, he got it all right. Threw his lifejacket to Ms. Ashleigh and then ran to me and said the magic words: "Help. Help. I need help."

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