Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Topsy Turvy

We bought one of those upside down tomato plants. Max and I planted it today. He enjoyed dumping the dirt and "patting it down". He got to add the water and was so proud of his "planters". The first cup of dirt didn't quite make it into the correct spot but he got the hang of it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rainy Day Entertainment

Thanks to Sarah and Aine who came over this morning for a playdate, this day hasn't been quite so long. That said, Mr. Max decided NOT to take a nap today so I've been trying like to heck to entertain him this afternoon. We played "Dog Bingo" and he won (not sure how he won but he says he did), we worked on some letters and numbers in the form of a giraffe puzzle (2 minute attention span) and then topped off the game playing with knocking all the cards (about 60 of them) from the Memory Game onto the floor. We tried to make a shark out of Bendaroos but the he decided he needed another snack and is now munching on pears. I'm praying daddy comes home soon so I feel less guilty when I open a bottle of wine. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

San Antonio Zoo

To finish off our San Antonio outing yesterday, we took the kids to the zoo. They did AWESOME!!! in a shared stroller and really seemed to just enjoy hopping in and out of the stroller and looking at the animals. We had a great encounter with a two HUGE hippotamuses. We happened to get right to their tank when they were showing off at the windows. We were up close and personal with them both. The butterfly exhibit was also a lot of fun for the kids to see. Lots of beautiful butterflies flitting about. Oh, and let's not forget Max's favorite, the elephant. We stopped into the petting farm but there was no food any of the 3 containers so the kids only got to brush the goats. We ate a nice picnic lunch and topped the day off with a nice leisurely train ride. Max was super pooped last night and went to be without a fuss and slept until 8 this morning (and I got to watch Glee since I missed it last night...SCORE!) It was a great day!

Riverwalk Outing

What a great time we had with Brenda and Victoria at the Rivewalk on Monday evening. We didn't plan very well and get our schedules in synch with Fiesta going on at the same time, but we had a nice quick stroll along the Riverwalk as soon as we got checked in to our hotel on Monday afternoon. We ate at one of the few places open for supper for people without reservations. They followed their supper up with some ice cream (see Max in pain from a cold headache)and then quickly took the kids back to the hotel. Neither one had a nap so we got them ready for bed and let them jump on the beds and then they crashed for a movie.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gone Campin'

Despite the rainy start to our camp trip this weekend, we had a very relaxing time. Got in Friday evening and managed to set up camp before the downpour. Spent the morning at Todd's parents house playing Wii and eating lunch. Max took a nap with his new toy (see picture) and then the 3 of us headed back out to finish off the beautiful afternoon (before yet another downpour)adventuring along the Guadalupe River. Max tried to skip rocks like daddy. He also decided the water was too cold to get in so he just waded in a few times (not sure daddy was all that jazzed about it either). It was a nice relaxing weekend.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's a Texas Thang Ya'll!

When the weather cooperates during the seasons and we get just the right mixture of rain and sunshine, you'll see families crowding along the busy highways and pastures to plop their kiddos in the field of wildflowers and bluebonnets. Today we made the trek to Aunt Marcia and Uncle Noel's house to play in their field of flowers. While my camera doesn't quite do the flowers justice, they are indeed beautiful.


My darling son decided to make a meal out of the bottom of his lip this week while we were sitting in the car wash. It's not the best picture in the world but the kid just clamped down on his lip. It's still swollen and sticking inside the bottom of his teeth. It's looking better today thankfully!

Bubbles with Dad

Max and daddy got to play with some of Max's Easter surprises from the Easter Bunny. Max used to be TERRIFIED of bubbles and hated them in his face. Now, he can't get enough. Thank you Erin a/k/a Easter Bunny for all the bubble goodies.

Moon Sand Take 2

We made Lightning McQueen, Mater and Pokey in the moon sand.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sweet Pictures

I took these two pictures this weekend. One wrapped up with Daddy after a VERY cold dip in our pool and the other was with Papaw Maxey on my mom's "temporary" riding wheelchair. (She can walk again in 1 month!)


We took Max bowling on Saturday night at Main Event with Gavin, Erin and Dale. The boys played video games and rode a couple of interactive video rides. Max wasn't sure if he liked the ride or not but thought it was super fun to giggle at Gavin. He even got me on the darn thing. Max won the bowling game too!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Moon Sand

We spent the afternoon today drawing on the sidewalk with chalk, riding our bike and then playing with Moon Sand. If you don't know what it is, it's awesome stuff! It's moist, super fine sand that doesn't stick to anything and is easy to form into shapes. We built little "chick-chick-bugs" as Max called them and then named the two of them "Pokey" and "Squiggly".

Sunday, April 4, 2010

And...crash and burn....

Wiped out...10 minutes after leaving Grandma and Papaw's today...

Easter Sunday

Another glorious day in Central Texas!!!! We had a wonderful brunch at Grandma Lynette's this morning (a ridiculous amount of food for 10 people...) but we managed to put a dent in most of it. Homemade sticky buns, maple casserole, mushrooms and peppers, SOS (SH!! on a shingle a/k/a bisquits and gravy), carrot cake, angel food cake/custard cupcakes, rice pudding, pecan pie, ham, enchiladas...seriously, ridiculous amount of food! Not to mention our favorite sparkling almond champagne from Flat Creek and a mimosa to top it off! Max had a crazy amount of eggs to search for in the back yard and wasn't at all interested in searching after about the first 5 eggs. He has had his share of candy and is ready to roll! He busted open (well, mommy helped quite a bit) to bust open his chicken pinata that Grandma Markay and Papaw Maxey gave him. He had a great day and it was so fun just being with him and watching him play.