Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rainy Day Entertainment

Thanks to Sarah and Aine who came over this morning for a playdate, this day hasn't been quite so long. That said, Mr. Max decided NOT to take a nap today so I've been trying like to heck to entertain him this afternoon. We played "Dog Bingo" and he won (not sure how he won but he says he did), we worked on some letters and numbers in the form of a giraffe puzzle (2 minute attention span) and then topped off the game playing with knocking all the cards (about 60 of them) from the Memory Game onto the floor. We tried to make a shark out of Bendaroos but the he decided he needed another snack and is now munching on pears. I'm praying daddy comes home soon so I feel less guilty when I open a bottle of wine. :)

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