Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun with a front loader

Max spent the weekend at grandma and papaw's house while I hosted a baby shower. We picked him up yesterday but not before he got a ride on papaw's front loader. He sacked out shortly thereafter.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our Little Cowboy

Not much to say here except - AHHHHHHHHHHHH...he felt awful but loved his hat so he put on a brave face. He LOVES Toy Story and Cars still.

Swimming Day

Hi everybody! It's been at least a week since I was on here. Much has been going on. Mom is back to work from her broken foot, dad fell through his attic and broke his foot, Max and I both had some viral bronchial infection and we signed Max up for preschool today! Whew! Tired all over again reliving the last week.

We are still keeping Gloria and today they played in the pool. Wore their little butts out and they slept like little angels. That's the key but often I'm wiped out too! I'm cracking down for a baby shower tomorrow for my girlfriend Debbie so no rest for the weary today. We will be heading out on vacation next Thursday so at least there will be a nice week long break in cooler temperatures in Minnesota (fingers crossed!!).

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First Trip to the Dentist

Max had his first cleaning this morning. HE DID AWESOME!!! He was super excited when we walked in the door. The waiting room had games and toys which kept him plenty occupied. The nurse took us back into a room where he met Dr. Bert and Mr. Crazy Eyes (the toothbrushing dog). Max was very confident and showed Dr. Bert how he brushes his teeth and kept saying "I know" to everything they said to him. He walked right on back to the chair, climbed on and told the nurse "I don't have any capities." Then proceeded to ask her when he was going for a ride on the chair. He did great in the chair, let them clean his teeth, floss and give his teeth "vitamins" a/k/a flouride. He has a crossbite and will likely require the use of an expander when he turns 7 but has plenty of space in his teeth so likely no braces and has no cavities. He even got his name entered for the monthly drawing of the no cavity club! I was a proud mama today!

Driving a train

Max and Gloria spent Tuesday at the park. They played princess and prince in the tower above the slide and then climbed up on top of the slide and drove the train. They were both sweaty, covered in dirt and extremely tired after our park outing.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

To Insanity, And Beyond....

Oh Max...he LOVES Buzz Lightyear these days. He pronounces "infinity" as "insanity" (and most days around here it is) but he's very sweet and cute as he runs around and jumps from here to there. We went to the Disney store yesterday and he found these pajamas (a/k/a "my costume") and it's been a fight to get him out of it. Aunt Lori even bought him a bubble gun to go along with it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pillow Camp

Max got a new set of "camp tools" from grandma Lynette and Papaw Curtis this weekend. He slept with this compass and flashlight last night and today he tried to convince Gloria they were "pillow camping". She wasn't buying it and instead wanted to wear my shoes and take his toys into the closet. It was funny watching Max try to build the tent out of pillows that kept falling over and then getting frusturated when Gloria wouldn't do what he said or took his "new toys" away.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Max vs. The Pavement

Max met the pavement today and learned what happens when you run around like a crazy person. He was a trooper and continues to "limp" and tell everyone he sees that he hurt his knee. (It's just a little scrape...) Thanks to daddy's first aid kit, we were back on our way in no time.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rainy Day Fun

What to do when it rains? Hmmmm...had plans to take Max and Gloria swimming today but alas, the hurricane caused us to figure out how to play indoors. We built train tracks (turned into a fight), played with the foam building blocks (turned into a fight), watched Mickey Mouse (turned into a fight over who would sit in which chair)....when all else fails, bring out the food! So, we made catepillars out of bananas, raisins and pretzels. THANK GOD I HAD EVERYTHING ON HAND! They had a blast with this. You can see what they were supposed to look like but in the end, I don't care what they looked like. They had fun and were calm and collected. They had more fun eating their catepillars for lunch (with fish sticks of course!)