Monday, August 23, 2010

Preschool - First Foundations Open House

Max is beginning preschool this week! His school First Foundations hosted their open house last Friday. We loaded up our school supplies and headed to meet his teacher and see his classroom. His teacher is Mrs. Rhonda Fionda and he will be in the frog classroom. We had a list of items "to do" before we could leave. Max helped sort out into bins all of his school supplies, he found the bathroom, located his cubby and his clip chart. The clip chart will be used to determine his progress for the day. He starts everyday with one clip. He can earn or lose clips. If he has 3 by the end of the day, he will get a prize from the treasure chest.

I made a handprint of my hand which he helped me with and he made his lilly pad placemat for his table. Mrs. Fionda had a nice little treat for him in his cubby.

He is excited. He picked out his lunchbox (Buzz Lightyear) and his own water bottle (Lightning McQueen).

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