Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Foundations Preschool Fall Festival

Wow what a morning! As one of the room mom's to Max's preschool class, I had to help put on their fall festival this morning. We had a bean bag toss, hay dig for treasures, pumpking decorating, cookie decorating and tatoos! Max and his little friend Payton (her mom is the other room mom) took the liberty of hiding all the little pumpkins in the playground so when it was time to decorate them they kids had to search for them. So much fun watching both Payton and Max (who are the bossiest kids in the class I might add) tell them where to find a pumpkin. The little boy next to Max on the playground is Carter who apparently is his little buddy. And they really do follow each other around. Very fun to watch.

Sadly, we had a meltdown right at class picture time and yes, my lovely little boy flat out REFUSED to be in the group picture to which we ended up in a time out for yelling at me and being ugly. However, he apologized and got right back in the groove just in time for cookies -- but he is the only kid not pictured with his class. :(

When it was time for the cookie decorating, the room smelled of nothing but sugar. The kids had a great time dumping icing, sprinkles, candy corn, chocolate chips all over their cookies. Surprisingly, not one of them started eating any of it until they asked. Huh????? In what world does that normally happen??? Kudos to Mrs. Fionda!

Great time this morning. He's wiped out and so is mommy!

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