Monday, November 8, 2010

Blue Bell Creamery

Max and I met Todd's sister Lori in Brenham today for an outing. We stopped at the Blue Bell Creamery, took the tour and topped our afternoon off with a cup of ice cream! Max talked about chocolate all through the drive there and all during the tour so of course he had his cup of chocolate ice cream. There were no cameras allowed during the tour so we couldn't take any until we were through but we learned a lot about ice cream. Country Vanilla is still the number 1 seller at Blue Bell and it's the ONLY flavor produced every single day. Today there were making mint chocolate chip and some wonderfully yummy flavor (that I only looked at) that had vanilla, fudge and chocolate peanut butter chips in...oh I was Jonesing for a bite but steered clear and stuck with the no-sugar added chocolate. Still tasty...It was a fun day! Thanks Aunt Lori!!

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