Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gingerbread Houses Part 1

Max was invited over to his friend Duncan's house this morning to make gingerbread houses using milk cartons. You could smell the sugar wafting out the door as we walked in this morning. Duncan's mom Sarah, had a wonderful spread for the kids to create their houses. I think for every piece of candy that actually made it onto Max's house, he had 3 in his mouth (see picture of icing!) While we attempted to dilute the sugary substance in his belly with actual food and put him down for a nap, sadly it didn't work. He's now watching Polar Express with daddy. He had a great time this morning! Tomorrow night we are taking a ride on the North Pole Flyer (Polar Express of Leander, Texas...) and then Monday, we are making another gingerbread house his friend Victoria. Pictures to follow....

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