Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need my "pinchers"...

We are fresh back from Vegas - sadly, a little poorer, but we had a nice break from real life for a few days and are back and ready to enjoy the holidays with the family.

While cooking dinner tonight, Todd was using the "pinchers" to flip the steak on the grill and Max needed his too. He was trying to eat a piece of cheese with it. It was very funny to watch. He tried very hard and finally got it!

We've been talking a lot about Santa and the holidays and Christmas. He knows we are baking cookies for santa and his reindeer tomorrow (along with my other list of "to brings"). He also knows we are going to a Christmas Eve service tomorrow night with one of his friends from MOPS. I'm looking forward to waking up with him this year on Christmas morning and just seeing him take it all in. It'll just be the three of us this year so I'm happy to start some of our very own traditions.

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