Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Haven't posted in a while...

There has been way too much excitement lately to have kept up with Max's blog. Between a quick trip to Napa Valley with our friends to break-in's and snake bites, we can't seem to catch up!

Max is doing great at preschool. Comes home every Tuesday or Thursday with a new song and a new spanish word. This week was "por favor" (or "parla falvor") and "gracias" (or I can't even type what he's trying to say). But he also busted out with uno, dose, tres, quatro cinco and nailed those. He talks mainly of his friend "Peyton" and her new dresses but mentions a Carter and Ryder too. I'm homeroom mom and am having our first "moms" meeting tomorrow so hopefully I can put some names to faces. We get pages with the letters of the week to work on either tracing or gluing cheerios and beans too. We tried our letter A today and while most of the cheerios ended up in his belly, he really did a great job showing me his new skills.

He's usually way past tired by bedtime now and last night was super meltdown time as we took an early evening stroll around the block. We are sticking to our guns and following through with our decisions regardless of how terrible the moment is when he does meltdown - which thankfully isn't all that often.

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