Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letter of the Week - A

Max is the line leader this week at school. He got to bring home Hopper the class mascot (it's a froggy backpack and stuffed frog). He did manage to rip the head of the frog off before we even got out of the school parking lot but Grandma Markay was kind enough to fix it for us this weekend. Max is responsible for helping Mrs. Fionda with special projects this week as well as leading the line in class. He also has to bring snacks this week for everyone that start with the letter A. We took applesauce this morning and are making letter A sugar cookies tomorrow. He is doing so well with preschool. Has learned several new songs, knows lots of things that start with the letter A and is working well with his classmates. I hear a lot about a "Payton" but I have yet to meet this little girl. Max is quite fond of her and tells me all the time that she was wearing a 'new dress today'. Hmmmm....he made ant anteanea's today in class.

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