Monday, August 22, 2011

The Bug Class - Open House

I can't believe my child was assigned the BUG class. For those of you really close to me, will understand why this is painful. I am trying to not pass on my phobia to him.

His teacher this year is Mrs. Smith - who happens to be a friend of mine and one of my Jazzercise students. I'm very thankful she turned out to be his teacher. I know her, love and trust her. I was nervous as Mrs. Fionda from last year was awesome and wasn't sure who could fill those shoes but Mrs. Smith is going to do just fine. I think Max is a little apprehensive this year. He thought he was going to have some of his old friends in class but we didn't have a single one. That's okay - we are up for new friends! Yes - I signed up for room mom again...I'm crazy!

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