Monday, August 22, 2011

I know...I know....

Yes, it's been since May since I last posted on here. It's been quite a busy, crazy summer. I'm going to make an effort to post a few things to get us all caught up from the summer and then I'll post today's Open House pictures at school. I feel way behind...

We spent a lot of our summer at Jazzercise. There was a huge gap in instructors this summer due to resignations, illness, injury, etc. so in 3 months, I've taught over 90classes. Max spent an hour each day in the babysitter room (sometimes 2 hours a day) but he loves it because every hour there are a new crop of kids and friends to play with.

When we weren't at Jazzercise we were either in our swimming pool (sometimes with friends, sometimes without), we were shuffling to the library for story time or going to the Austin Children's Museum. We spent time with some of our MOPS friends (Payton & Camden)and had a couple of playdates with Brady from school last year. We ended the summer taking a quick 2 day trip to the coast with Payton & Camden. We did a week worth of vacation bible school, went to Sea World with grandma Markay and Max spent several weekends with grandparents. It was a fast and crazy summer but I think we had a good time.

I'll start with a few pics from playtime with Payton & Camden.

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