Sunday, November 29, 2009


What a great weekend! Thanksgiving Day we spent it at my parents house. Mom wanted to keep Max for a night so Todd and I got to squeeze in a movie. I also decided to be a crazy person and try out the "Black Friday" shopping experience. Never Again!!!! Waking up well before the sun is up, standing in line attempting to grab an item that is taken away by force by yet another crazy person, is not something I care to repeat again. It was funny to watch everyone but next year, I'll grab a few extra hours of looking at the inside of my eyelids. Todd has worked super hard on a Thanksgiving Day video (I'm going to try to post it here...) Max was tired as usual and tried to climb on the dash of Todd's truck and take a nap.

Dale and Todd spent many, many hours yesterday creating a "river" of lights, deer, mountains and yes, the Christmas Star in between our two houses yesterday. It looks really nice at night. Today will try to put up our inside stuff. How I managed to collect over 10 boxes of Christmas decorations is beyond me.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Long weekend...

Max got to go stay with Grandma Markay and Paw-Paw Maxey this past weekend. He is really good at making his own chocolate milk. He got to go see some airplanes and the park. He was wiped out when we got him back yesterday. Max and I had a picnic this morning and now he is napping so I'm hoping I can get some laundry done and work on my Jazzercise set for this next week. Looking forward to a long weekend with him and the rest of the family.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Craft Day #2

Today, Brenda and Victoria came over for some crafting fun. We "helped" the kids make placemats for Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to start this as a tradition in the years to come. Max seemed more interested in his safety scissors than actually sticking things on his placemat so I had to really coax him along today. Victoria did great - she's a girl for sure! They are fun to watch together. Victoria brought her pink hat (she's all about the pink) and Max put on his Elmo safety hat but then of course wouldn't hold still for a picture.

Last night Max managed to dump all of the fish food in the tank and as much as I tried to scoop it out and clean it up, I think we are about to lose Toto. Dorothy succumed to the great blue in the swirl of the toilet bowl a few months ago and now, I think Toto is on his way out too. The worst part is, I was standing right next to him while he did it not paying any attention.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adventuring we go...

It was another beautiful day in central Texas, we opted to head to the park for a bit today. Max was excited about the drainage ditches. He also discovered he doesn't like rocks in his shoes but managed to mostly put his shoe back on all by himself! Now quite sure about the potty yet, but baby steps...yesterday we took family pictures. We started at 10:00 and went until after noon. He was a trooper but was hyped up on M&M's and new "toys" from grandma.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"HopTub" Fun!

It's been a long week so far. Cranky little boy who has decided for some reason, he no longer needs to take naps. He's got green goo coming out of his nose and can't breathe. He's a tropper though and keeps on truckin'! This morning he was walking around with a sword saying he was a dinosaur and that was his tail. This afternoon, after another successful swimming lesson, he played in the "hop tub" for a bit. He's now curling up with his prized "Cars" toys and is watching Mickey Mouse Playhouse - I'm okay with that because at least he's off Tinkerbell for the moment. He cracks Todd and I up with his verbage. Our favorites are "Orangres" (oranges) and "Stingies" (thingys).

Sunday, November 8, 2009


We all went camping this past weekend with our friends, my sister and both sets of parents. We went to the Canyon Lake area. Max had fun with Gavin and eating junkfood all weekend. Thanks to Grandma Lynette & Papaw Curtis, Todd and I got to enjoy some beer and sausage at Wurstfest with Shelle, Erin, Dale, Gavin and my parents. It was a nice weekend despite being rained on this morning and the EXTREMELY slow breakast. Glad to be home this evening with the windows open listening to the rain.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trampoline Time!

What a morning!!! First up at the crack of dawn for yes, more Tinkerbell. Followed up by a GREAT swimming class with his girlfriend Victoria and then a playdate with Max's friend Tyler, and mommy's friend Tamara! Tamara made the boys yummy pizza and Max discovered that Tyler is a huge fan of Lighting McQueen as well! The boys headed out briefly to the backyard to jump on the trampoline but quickly got tired (see them resting...) and moved it back to the table where Lighting McQueen was patientily waiting. Tyler even was so nice to loan Max his battery powered Lighting McQueen which I had to pry out of his chubby little fingers to get him to take a nap. Whew!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Playdough kinda day

Beautiful weather outside and way too pretty to stay indoors watching his new favorite movie Tinkerbell - so we sat out and played with playdough instead. He almost ate the bright orange sandwich I made for him but then moved on to his alien and "playboy cowboy". Hmmmmmmm....


Max wanted to snuggle up with daddy last night while watching Tinkerbell of all shows. He had to go to bed before it was over and that was the first thing he asked for this morning was to finish Tinkerbell.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Little Wild Thing...

Max had a super Halloween this year. We hit just enough houses to wear him out and get a tiny little bit of candy - which I'm rationing out. He got the trick or treat part down right towards the end of the evening but it was fun anyway. Both sets of grandparents were able to come spend the weekend with us and we got to hang out with our friends too.

He's getting bigger and more fun every day. I'm hoping the time change will catch up with him. He was up before 6:00 a.m. this morning. Arggg...