Monday, November 16, 2009

Craft Day #2

Today, Brenda and Victoria came over for some crafting fun. We "helped" the kids make placemats for Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to start this as a tradition in the years to come. Max seemed more interested in his safety scissors than actually sticking things on his placemat so I had to really coax him along today. Victoria did great - she's a girl for sure! They are fun to watch together. Victoria brought her pink hat (she's all about the pink) and Max put on his Elmo safety hat but then of course wouldn't hold still for a picture.

Last night Max managed to dump all of the fish food in the tank and as much as I tried to scoop it out and clean it up, I think we are about to lose Toto. Dorothy succumed to the great blue in the swirl of the toilet bowl a few months ago and now, I think Toto is on his way out too. The worst part is, I was standing right next to him while he did it not paying any attention.

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