Sunday, November 29, 2009


What a great weekend! Thanksgiving Day we spent it at my parents house. Mom wanted to keep Max for a night so Todd and I got to squeeze in a movie. I also decided to be a crazy person and try out the "Black Friday" shopping experience. Never Again!!!! Waking up well before the sun is up, standing in line attempting to grab an item that is taken away by force by yet another crazy person, is not something I care to repeat again. It was funny to watch everyone but next year, I'll grab a few extra hours of looking at the inside of my eyelids. Todd has worked super hard on a Thanksgiving Day video (I'm going to try to post it here...) Max was tired as usual and tried to climb on the dash of Todd's truck and take a nap.

Dale and Todd spent many, many hours yesterday creating a "river" of lights, deer, mountains and yes, the Christmas Star in between our two houses yesterday. It looks really nice at night. Today will try to put up our inside stuff. How I managed to collect over 10 boxes of Christmas decorations is beyond me.

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