Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"HopTub" Fun!

It's been a long week so far. Cranky little boy who has decided for some reason, he no longer needs to take naps. He's got green goo coming out of his nose and can't breathe. He's a tropper though and keeps on truckin'! This morning he was walking around with a sword saying he was a dinosaur and that was his tail. This afternoon, after another successful swimming lesson, he played in the "hop tub" for a bit. He's now curling up with his prized "Cars" toys and is watching Mickey Mouse Playhouse - I'm okay with that because at least he's off Tinkerbell for the moment. He cracks Todd and I up with his verbage. Our favorites are "Orangres" (oranges) and "Stingies" (thingys).

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