Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Adventures with Max & Gloria

Today was our first day keeping Gloria, my friend's little girl. Gloria is 2 and will join Max and I on Tuesday's and Thursday's this summer. We managed to get through Target without too much trouble but I did end up letting them "split" a chocolate milk from Starbucks so I kind of cheated but you gotta do what you gotta do. They learned about sharing in the cart when a rogue tube of toothpaste managed to find its way out of the basket. They were very proud of each other and both kept saying "Say please." "Look, we are sharing." We came home did some painting and had a healthy lunch of fish sticks, banana, green beans and milk. Max is still doing his "Any Baby Can Read" DVD's and books so Gloria liked some of it but was up playing before too long. We will have some issues with "sharing" toys. Max not quite sure what to do when Gloria grabs one of "his" toys. Buzz Lightyear and Woody both ended up on top of the refrigerator and as seen in the picture where both kids are under the table, Gloria is trying to calm Max down and coax him out. They both crashed at 1:15 and are sleeping peacefully. I had every intention of taking them swimming today but last night I cut half of my fingernail off and didn't really want it sitting in pool water all day. So, we will go on Thursday instead. Day 1 was a success I do believe!

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