Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Triplets today....sheesh!

Today was a "Gloria & Max" day but I also was doing a favor to a friend who just had her second baby so we had Aine stay with us for a while today. So, we had a 3 1/2 year old and 2 2 1/2 year olds. The girls did AWESOME together. Max - not so much. He is getting better but we did have a couple of meltdowns. Once he got passed the fact they weren't "going back to their homes" he joined in the fun of the building blocks and helping to "fix" them when they "broked apart". He got out his trusty tools and tried to screw and hammer them back together. That was the highlight of fun today. They got quiet and chowed down on some tomatoes, apples and fish sticks and then asked for seconds. Guess I wore them out. Max and Gloria still sleeping. Mommy showered and relaxed and getting ready for the Eclipse premiere tonight. Yeah!

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