Monday, June 28, 2010

What a day!

Max spent part of the morning at "Camp Summer" (a/k/a summer camp at our clubhouse) where they dug up dinosaur bones and various other "stingys". He jammed on his headsets in the car, came home to go swimming and while I was trying to pull his bathing suit off the floor, a scorpion runs out of it. He jumped, I screamed and jumped on the chair and beat the HELL out of his swimtrunks with a water gun because it was all I could grab. I killed it and we both shuddered at the same time. Poor kid - I'm trying not to traumatize him with my bug phobia but I just can't help but spaz out! We battled wasps for the next 2 hours but managed to swim and have fun doing it. He crashed on the couch watching Wall-E with his goldfish and grapes perfectly balanced on his knee. I'm going to Bunco so now daddy can take over!

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